Saturday, February 27, 2010

عكسهاي جديد بريتني اسپيرز

بريتني اسپيرز و خريد در لس آنجلس


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Check Out These Kicks!!

New for spring 2010, Nike Air Royals are nikes latest creation, what do you think?


New Britney Spears Music This June!

If Brit-Brit’s too-brief appearance at the Grammys wasn’t enough to whet your “Toxic” appetite, then get ready to chow down on some new music from Spears this June.

For all those Circus freaks out there, you’ll be stoked to hear that Britney is re-teaming with K. Briscoe, part of The Outsyders production team, who penned Spears’ comeback hit “Womanizer.” Plus, our pop princess is also hooking back up with Corte Ellis from Soul Diggaz, who previously worked with Britney on the songs “Naked” and “Get Back” off Blackout.

Finally, color us flattered that Spears took our advice and decided to collaborate with our fave new French hitmaker DJ David Guetta on new tunes. Ooh, la la!

Briscoe, Ellis and Guetta join a heap of producers who have already been tapped for the project—like Danja, Max Martin, Darkchild, Sean Garrett. Guess it’s just a matter of time until we hear whose tracks make the final album cut. Hope we don’t blackout from anticipation! (Get it? Blackout? Blackout? I’ll be here all night, folks.)



Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jonas Brothers vs. Miley Cyrus vs. Selena Gomez

What do the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, and Selena Gomez all have in common? Besides being on the Disney Channel, they all have publicly made it clear that they have made chastity promises to themselves and God.

But they have all gotten different reactions to their promises.

photo taken by me

The Jonas Brothers are a group that consists of 3 Brothers, Kevin, Joe, and Nick. They are mostly known for their purity rings that they wear on their ring finger on their left hand. They are rarely seen without it on, and when they were questioned about it, they told the world that they would remain pure until marriage.

This response created quite an uproar. Many talk shows such as Chelsea Lately, made fun of the brothers by joking that the purity promise was a cover up because the boys had to be gay. The boys were also made fun of during the MTV’s VMA show, hosted by Russell Brand, September 2008.

Miley Cyrus also gets a negative reaction when it comes to purity rings. After her infamous “pole dancing” on the Teen Choice Awards, Miley was compared even more to fellow mouseketeer Britney Spears. Spears also made a purity promise when she was on Disney, but when she left, it was discovered that her promise was not fulfilled. So many have proclaimed that Miley was the new Britney, and that her promise was a lie made just to keep up appearances.

photo courtesy of flickr user: benyupp

Selena Gomez, the third Disney darling, has also made a purity promise. However, she has been able to escape the criticism that her fellow Disney stars cannot seem to leave behind. People focus on all the good that she has achieved, such as being named the youngest UNICEF ambassador.

photo courtesy of flickr user: lizsy_rockin45

It seems that double standards cannot be escaped. The Jonas Brothers are mocked and made fun of because they’re guys, and Miley has been called a slut numerous times BECAUSE of her purity promise. But how has Selena managed to escape the scrutiny that her friends have to undergo? It seems that people always have to have something to focus on, and they would much rather see the bad in people than the good.

Despite all the publicity that these young celebrities have gotten, Purity Rings have become a new trend among tweens and teenagers. More kids have been asking their parents for purity rings because their idols own one. Isn’t this new trend, abstinence, a good thing? Then why is the media trying to make these young kids feel ashamed for their beliefs?


Thursday, February 11, 2010

britney spears

Just look at those pictures! We love britney spears

S e x Tape – Click here…

britney spearsbritney spearsbritney spearsbritney spearsbritney spearsbritney spearsbritney spearsbritney spearsbritney spears


Facts and Camels

Before I embark upon  the Crocheted Article of WTFdom today, I would like to pause for a moment and ask you all to scroll down – and in the bottom right hand corner, you’ll see something that bemuses even me.

The fug’o'meter. 

Today – being 11th February 2010 – it has gone beyond (get this and how I wish it were my bank account) 2,000,000 hits.

To use one of my work safe epithets of choice : Squeak. 

( Sorry – I was affected by severe Guinea pig in  my formative years and sometimes I regress and swear in that language) .

For those who are familiar with Discworld idioms : it’s akin to “Ooook”.

(I know I left my point around here, somewhere… hang on.. I findz it…)

Wooooeee – 2,000,000+ viewers.


Since 2005,  (which I think makes us positively ANTIQUE in eterms) we’ve done a lot, said a lot, and my sweet aunt, hasn’t the world has changed? -  Obama is in the White House, Old MacDonald’s farm has had the Flu ( Swine, Equine, Avian – watch out Bo Peep, they’ll be blaming you next!) people in poor countries affected by tragedy are being helped by donations from round the world, Michael Jackson died and Tiger Woods has been caught out.   Big Time.

Twitter hatched,  a number of other crafty snark blogs have emerged and then died, some quietly, just fading away in to obscurity, their dust bunnies released into the wild;  and yet others in a hail of name calling,  WNTC despite all the comments, prevails - for your amusement.  Since our doors opened in  October 2005  - 2,000,000 (+ ) of you have dropped by, had a look round, cleaned the coffee/water/rum from your screen and then passed the link onto your friends.

Thank you.     

On average (unless we post something that involves some that resonates more than usual), 1700 people swing past a day.    Some posts, usually the ones with a certain Braille factor in the cleavage department, attract more viewers than others,   the Octopus Hat  being a leader in the field of Bad Crochet Even Your Grandmother can Look At.     The one most frequently refered to with “OMG have you seen!!” is, of course, these absolute gems… 

My Favouritest post if anyone was to ask me (my favouritest moment is when someone says “Oh you like to crochet!  have you seen this site? It’s sooo funny/mean/witty!” )  is without a doubt of  The War of the Poodles because I can not tell you how much I start giggling when I hear the opening spiel and think of this picture:

“They observed and studied us…”

But enuff of the reflecting thing, here we are moving into the teenage years of the 21st Century.

I wanted to consider some of the strange things that the media personalities (if stick insects swathed in brand names starved themselves and pouted in front of cameras HAVE personalities) those the paparazzi feed upon, like cheetahs observing the baby springbok; do to attract the cameras their way.

Britney – is there anyone on this planet who hasnt seen her caesarian scar (or her bits)? Angelina/Brangelina – have they split or not? Who cares!! There seems to be a fair collection of thinned, tanned, extended  women who exist purely to plump out pages of magazines with their photo.

And one other common factor for these insignificant yet over-exposed women is that they all seem to have a small dog (or a long legged Guinea pig ) tucked under one arm or peeking LOL!! out of a handbag that cost more than my car.

Ladies! Please! Come On! AccesorDog has been so done! 

But maybe one of the Famous for Being Famous types has decided to find a new fashion piece?

Under certain circumstances, I’d support women wearing face veils – but in this case I think they’ve got it the wrong way round.”   Yeah… Anyhooo…

I’m not entirely sure why it was felt necessary for the Camel to obscure its nose – being the owner of three smaller Camelids myself – I can hazard a Guess… but seriously..

I reckon people would pay good money for a picture of Ms Hilton with camel-spit on her face.

and that could escalate the squabbles between Paris/ Lindsay Lohan/ Samantha / Nicole / Britney if they were all spitting green gunk at each other


and once again, thank you for your support over the years – may your yarn always be knot free :)


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Check these kicks out!

New high tops…YES PLEASE :D


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Harde kropper

I gårsdagens post om soldater og militaristisk masulinitet med utgangspunkt i Beyoncés opptreden under Grammy Awards ble min fortolkning av Rihanna – med utgangspunkt i videoen til “Russian Roulette” – på mange måter at hun iscenesetter et mer ambivalent forhold til “soldaten.” Men mon ikke jeg gikk litt hurtig fram. Ikke minst blir dette tydelig om man sammenligner med den neste videoen som kom i forbindelse med Rated R. “Hard”:

Her er soldattemaet og det militære strukket adskillig lengre, og Rihanna spiller selv flere roller. Mange av disse rollene har militære konnotasjoner, også selv om de til en viss grad spiller på en kjønnsdikotomi mellom mann og kvinne. Underveis i teksten – en tekst det ellers kan være vanskelig å finne særlig mening i – henviser Rihanna til seg selv ved navn – “Never lyin’, truth teller / That Rihanna reign, just won’t let up” – en praksis som både minner om rap’ens navngivninger og Britneys “Gimme More.”

Det er også en måte artisten selv skrives inn i låten. Låtens “jeg” – den persona vi hører synge – sammenfaller dermed med den “empiriske” personen bak låten. Man iscenesetter musikken som e nærmest selvbiografisk og autentisk uttrykk. I tilfelle Rihanna kan dette settes sammen med den terapeutiske lesningen av hele Rated R, tanken om at hun her gjør om med det misbruket hun var utsatt for i januar 2008 (referanser sist sett på norsk og svensk tv). Dette kan selvsagt være riktig nok, og gitt historien kan man ikke underslå muligheten for en slik fortolkning. Men hvordan forholde dette til uttrykket i videoen?

Rihannas beste plate hadde tittelen Good Girl Gone Bad (fra 2007), men i denne videoen ser det ut som hun iscenesetter en “pulp girl gone hard.” Samtidig er det ikke helt så enkelt. De ulike rollene hun inntar går fra en lederskikkelse som gir ordre til eksekusjonspelletongen på den ene siden til et kvinneobjekt med kamuflasjeuniform men der hun samtidig framstår ytterst lettkledd på den andre (en slags parallell til Goldie Hawn i Private Benjamin (fra 2000), men samtidig også helt annerledes). Hun framstår i en stram sort kjole, men der skuldrene samtidig både er beskyttet og truende (nærmest som pigger på en dinosaur), og, endelig, hun framstår med ører som Mickey Mouse, men med patronbelte, og som kjørende i en rosa tanks (se bilder her).

Det er vanskelig å ikke se særlig dette bildet som å inneha en ekstrem dobbelthet, fra det barnlige til det militante, fra et kvinneobjekt til et militaristisk fallossymbol, noe som altså etablerer en forbindelse mellom underholdningsindustrien og militærindustrien. Her nytter det ikke å bare se platen og videoen som terapeutiske. De inngår i en samfunnsmessig og politisk kontekst, som både er knyttet til krig og underholdning, men også til kjønnspolitikk. Den resirkuleringen av “girl power” som oppstår her inngår i et normativt bilde, og det nok mer enn da Spice Girls i sin tid ble bildet på “girl power.” Men på samme måten som i forhold til Spice Girls er det også her et fokus på den seksualiserte kroppen. Et slikt fokus er ikke nødvendigvis et problem, men videoen framstår likevel reaksjonær; de to kjønn etableres i bildene som ekstreme uttrykk, også selv om Rihanna kan innta både den harde aggressor og den mykere passive mottaker. Men selv om kvinnebildet i denne videoen framstår rimelig problematisk synes jeg likevel mannsbildet er verre (her er en slags parallel til gårsdagens diskusjon av Beyoncé). Mannen er soldaten, den anonymiserte soldaten (anonymisert enten ved uniform eller ved briller eller begge deler), og den militaristiske maskuliniteten blir nærmeste enerådende. I The Image of Man: The Creation of Modern Masculinity skriver George L. Mosse om hvordan gymnastikk og militarisme henger tett sammen innenfor framveksten av den moderne maskuliniteten:

“The steeling of the male body had a significance far beyond health and hygiene or acquiring strength and motor skills. It created manly beauty and character, it forged a stereotype.”

Denne stereotypen er det altså Rihanna (og Beyoncé) forholder seg til. En stereotyp som framhever aggresjon som en mannlig dyd.


THE HORIWOOD TOP 10 - WED 2.3.2010

Entertainment. Celebrities. News. Here’s how you voted your top ten in Hollywood tonight on Horiwood.Com. Enjoy!

1. Britney Spears and Justin Trawicke are a cute show biz couple

2. Lost’s Emile deRaven of Australia

3. Vanessa Hudgen’s Beastly movie still

4. America’s Top 5 flavors of I Scream

5. Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler

6. Live Concert Review: Pink’s Fun House Tour Los Angeles

7. Gabourey Sidibe on her Oscar nomination Facebook joys

8. Haiti Celebrity Donation Links –We Are The World–Let’s Do It!

9. Re-recording We Are The World – 25 years on

10.  Lady Gaga’s 5 Grammys nominations don’t reflect the extent of her fame

Let’s remember too, that the original version of We Are The World penned by Michael Jackson was written for the people of Africa in mind. In all of the much needed Love for Haiti, let’s also remember some love for Africa today too. Love your news choices. Go Brit Brit!

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 2.3.2010~
