Before I embark upon the Crocheted Article of WTFdom today, I would like to pause for a moment and ask you all to scroll down – and in the bottom right hand corner, you’ll see something that bemuses even me.
The fug’o'meter.
Today – being 11th February 2010 – it has gone beyond (get this and how I wish it were my bank account) 2,000,000 hits.
To use one of my work safe epithets of choice : Squeak.
( Sorry – I was affected by severe Guinea pig in my formative years and sometimes I regress and swear in that language) .
For those who are familiar with Discworld idioms : it’s akin to “Ooook”.
(I know I left my point around here, somewhere… hang on.. I findz it…)
Wooooeee – 2,000,000+ viewers.
Since 2005, (which I think makes us positively ANTIQUE in eterms) we’ve done a lot, said a lot, and my sweet aunt, hasn’t the world has changed? - Obama is in the White House, Old MacDonald’s farm has had the Flu ( Swine, Equine, Avian – watch out Bo Peep, they’ll be blaming you next!) people in poor countries affected by tragedy are being helped by donations from round the world, Michael Jackson died and Tiger Woods has been caught out. Big Time.
Twitter hatched, a number of other crafty snark blogs have emerged and then died, some quietly, just fading away in to obscurity, their dust bunnies released into the wild; and yet others in a hail of name calling, WNTC despite all the comments, prevails - for your amusement. Since our doors opened in October 2005 - 2,000,000 (+ ) of you have dropped by, had a look round, cleaned the coffee/water/rum from your screen and then passed the link onto your friends.
Thank you.
On average (unless we post something that involves some that resonates more than usual), 1700 people swing past a day. Some posts, usually the ones with a certain Braille factor in the cleavage department, attract more viewers than others, the Octopus Hat being a leader in the field of Bad Crochet Even Your Grandmother can Look At. The one most frequently refered to with “OMG have you seen!!” is, of course, these absolute gems…
My Favouritest post if anyone was to ask me (my favouritest moment is when someone says “Oh you like to crochet! have you seen this site? It’s sooo funny/mean/witty!” ) is without a doubt of The War of the Poodles because I can not tell you how much I start giggling when I hear the opening spiel and think of this picture:
“They observed and studied us…”
But enuff of the reflecting thing, here we are moving into the teenage years of the 21st Century.
I wanted to consider some of the strange things that the media personalities (if stick insects swathed in brand names starved themselves and pouted in front of cameras HAVE personalities) those the paparazzi feed upon, like cheetahs observing the baby springbok; do to attract the cameras their way.
Britney – is there anyone on this planet who hasnt seen her caesarian scar (or her bits)? Angelina/Brangelina – have they split or not? Who cares!! There seems to be a fair collection of thinned, tanned, extended women who exist purely to plump out pages of magazines with their photo.
And one other common factor for these insignificant yet over-exposed women is that they all seem to have a small dog (or a long legged Guinea pig ) tucked under one arm or peeking LOL!! out of a handbag that cost more than my car.
Ladies! Please! Come On! AccesorDog has been so done!
But maybe one of the Famous for Being Famous types has decided to find a new fashion piece?
Under certain circumstances, I’d support women wearing face veils – but in this case I think they’ve got it the wrong way round.” Yeah… Anyhooo…
I’m not entirely sure why it was felt necessary for the Camel to obscure its nose – being the owner of three smaller Camelids myself – I can hazard a Guess… but seriously..
I reckon people would pay good money for a picture of Ms Hilton with camel-spit on her face.
and that could escalate the squabbles between Paris/ Lindsay Lohan/ Samantha / Nicole / Britney if they were all spitting green gunk at each other
and once again, thank you for your support over the years – may your yarn always be knot free
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