Saturday, October 31, 2009

Kelly Clarkson Working on Fifth Album!!!

During a new interview on Chicago’s KISSFM, pop/rock diva Kelly Clarkson revealed that she’s already begun working on her fifth studio album, which will be due out Fall 2010.

“We’re already working on it. [The songs] are really different. The next record is going to be really different”.

She also revealed that she may not write the whole record either, which she blames on constant touring and releasing albums so close together (Clarkson’s current tour does not wrap up until March 2010).

“If I end up liking stuff that I’ve done then I’ll include it, but if I like other stuff better I’ll use that. Sometimes you’re just more inspired I guess, and sometimes if you have records that come out really close together it might be more other peoples songs. Because there’s not enough time to write and sing and perform and do everything.”

Despite penning all the songs from her 2007 album My December, Kelly only wrote on six of the fourteen tracks from her latest effort All I Ever Wanted.

In other news, Kelly’s latest single “Already Gone” continues to rise on the Billboard charts after reaching a new peak of #17 this week. Rumour has it that “Don’t Let Me Stop You” will serve as the fourth single from All I Ever Wanted, which is now close to being certified Platinum.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Britney Spears organise son buzz

Britney Spears est en plein travail sur le clip de son nouveau single « 3 ». Et comme elle n’aime pas travailler pour rien, elle rentabilise.

Depuis quelques jours, la demoiselle distille les images de son nouveau clip pour faire monter le suspense avant la sortie officielle. Un bout de chorégraphie, quelques plans de son minois à la peau irréprochable…

Si Britney Spears a perdu quelque peu de ses talents de danseuse depuis quelques années, elle reste la reine du business.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Toxic", de Britney Spears, é eleito o clipe mais sexy

O vídeo de “Toxic”, de Britney Spears, foi eleito o mais sexy da história, segundo pesquisa realizada pelo site especializado em videoclipes
Confira o clipe de Britney Spears e tire suas próprias conclusões.

Enquanto isso, a rainha do pop  Madonna teve o clipe de “Hung Up”  eleito como o menos sexy da história,  pelo site

” Hung Up” um dos grandes sucessos do décimo álbum de estúdio da cantora, Confessions on a Dance Floor (2005).

Abaixo cofira as listas dos clipes mais e  menos sexy da história

Clipes mais sexy da história:
1 – Britney Spears – “Toxic”
2 – Shakira – “She Wolf”
3 – JLS – “Beat Again”
4 – Girls Aloud – “Untouchable”
5 – Kylie – “Spinning Around”
6 – Rihanna – “Umbrella”
7 – Ciara e Justin Timberlake – “Love, Sex and Magic”
8 – Take That – “Pray”
9 – Beyonce – “Single Ladies”
10 – Robert Palmer – “Addicted to Love”

Clipes menos sexy da história:
1 – Madonna – “Hung up”
2 – Lady Ga Ga – “Poker Face”
3 – Spice Girls – “Wannabe”
4 – Pink – “Get the Party Started”
5 – Rick Astley – “Never Gonna Give You Up”

6 – Michael Jackson – “You Are Not Alone”
7 – Take That – “Do What You Like”
8 – Billy Ray Cyrus – “Achy Breaky Heart”
9 – Wham! – “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go”
10 – David Hasslehoff – “Jump In My Car”

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sacrificios Humanos en Halloween

Sacrificios Humanos en Halloween

Aunque para la mayoría la fiesta de Noche de Brujas no es más que una oportunidad para que los niños se disfracen y coman dulces a destajo, lo cierto es que este culto se remonta a milenarias prácticas de origen celta, e incluso tiene un siniestro y oscuro sello, que se relaciona con el satanismo.

Para muchos, Halloween no es más que una fiesta comercial, a través de la cual se incentiva el consumismo. Los niños se disfrazan, los papás compran dulces y durante una noche, los pequeños recorren las casas de los vecinos vestidos de brujas, monstruos, etcétera. Sin embargo, para otros esta fecha, que coincide con la víspera del Día de Todos los Santos, es el día para un oscuro ritual, que se relaciona con la práctica de misas negras, sacrificios y satanismo.

El origen de Halloween -un nombre bastante moderno, si se compara con la larga data de esta conmemoriación en la historia de la humanidad- se remonta hasta aproximadamente tres mil años atrás, en la zona que hoy conocemos como Irlanda, donde el pueblo originario de los celtas celebraba un festival de cosechas, ya que para ellos, el cambio de estaciones tenía una importancia mágica. Samhain era el festival más importante, ya que era el último día de la cosecha y el comienzo del invierno y se celebraba entre fines de octubre y a principios de noviembre.

Según las creencias celtas, en la noche del 31 de octubre las almas de los muertos regresaban a visitar hogares terrenales. Creían que durante esa noche la ventana que separaba el mundo de los vivos y el de los muertos desaparecía. Para mantener a estos espíritus contentos y alejar los malos espíritus de sus hogares, los celtas dejaban comida fuera de sus hogares.

Con el paso del tiempo, los romanos conquistaron a los celtas, y la originaria fiesta se vio influenciada por el culto a la diosa romana de la cosecha, Pamona.

Con el advenimiento del cristianismo, la festividad celta, considerada pagana y hasta demoníaca -aun cuando el concepto del diablo no existía en ese pueblo-, intentó ser reemplazada por una de carácter religioso, el Día de Todos los Santos, que se celebra el 1 de noviembre, con lo cual el 31 de octubre quedó como la víspera del Día de Todos los Santos, que en inglés se dice “all hallow’s eve”, concepto del que derivó finalmente el nombre de “Halloween”.

Año nuevo satánico

Pero no todo es fiesta, disfraces y niños pidiendo dulces. El extremo opuesto de esta celebración recae en las sectas satánicas, que ven en el día 31 de octubre como el día en que se celebra el año nuevo satánico, fecha en la cual se realizan una serie de sacrificios y misas negras.

Hace un par de años, en el 2002, una mexicana que perteneció a un grupo de satánico, señaló a un diario de su país lo peligroso que era para los niños y jóvenes salir en Halloween, ya que los grupos satánicos celebraban el año nuevo y realizaban incluso sacrificios humanos. Esa mujer, identificada como Cristina Kneer de Vidal, ex esoterista, ex satanista y espiritista de origen estadounidense, aseguró en esa oportunidad que cada 31 de octubre decenas de jóvenes y niños son sacrificados por grupos satánicos. Kneer pidió a las familias que cuiden a sus hijos. “No quiero asustar a nadie, todo el mundo es libre de creer lo que quiera, pero mis palabras deben ser tomadas en cuenta, por lo menos pido que me escuchen, razonen y decidan”, pidió la mujer.

El diario El Norte, que publicó la entrevista de Kneer, aseguró que ella pasó mucho tiempo cerca del satanismo, y conoció muchos de sus ritos. Según Kneer, el satanismo existe en todo el mundo y su práctica es tan antigua como la adoración a Jehová.

Misas negras

En fechas como Halloween, los satanistas ofrecen “misas negras”. “Las misas se ofician en el campo o en edificios cerrados, fuertemente vigilados, y se inician con la invocación de Satán que muchas veces no se presenta porque, a diferencia de Dios, no puede estar en todas partes” aseguró en dicha entrevista Kneer.

A mitad de la misa, relató, son sacrificados animales como gatos, perros y cuando la misa es muy importante, como en el día de Halloween, se realizan sacrificios humanos. La ex satanista aseguró que a las víctimas se les extraía el corazón y que este era comido entre los presentes; luego el cuerpo era cremado y echado al mar.

Según Kneer, Halloween es una de las ocho celebraciones que los satanistas conmemoran, pero que dentro de ellas, la víspera de Todos los Santos era la principal ya que se celebra el año nuevo satánico. “Es como si se celebrara el cumpleaños del Diablo”, aseguró la mujer.

Por Adita González M.,


Celebrities make good Halloween characters especially the most famous ones. The likes of Elvis, Marilyn and Michael Jackson are all perennial characters that make good Halloween costumes. With the more modern celebrities like Lady Gaga and Britney Spears, they also are becoming more popular Halloween characters.

And speaking of Britney Spears. She has clearly been enjoying a great comeback from a tumultuous past 2 years. Who could ever forget that head-shaving moment at the barbershop or was that a dream? The past couple of months have been very good for her. She has been atop the charts, selling millions of albums and selling out hundreds of concerts.

This week in particular, she has scored her third #1 single at the Billboard Top 100 with her new single ‘3’ off her new album The Singles Collection due November 24. And what is sure to be a multi-million selling album, no doubt that Britney is really back and the world is just crossing its fingers that she can keep this up.

Britney Spears is an icon, a pop cultural phenomenon. That is why she makes a good Halloween character. There have been so many unforgettable moments from her that picking out an inspiration off them is not gonna be that difficult.

Here are some suggestions you can pick from and for sure anyone who sees you would definitely tell who you are wearing for the occasion.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oops... they destroy my song y'all!

Probablemente esas serian la respuesta de Britney al ver esta presentacion en el programa britanico Factor X, la version inglesa de American Idol y derivados. Con esto me queda comprobado que los clasicos dificilmente se pueden volver a reacer, al menos que seas el cantante original y si no es asi se obtiene este resultado. Eso si, debo de admitir que me parecio graciosa la presentacion y que los concursantes hicieron lo que pudieron para no quedar en una version “male” de Britney, yay por Oops!… I did It Again – ñ.ñ

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oops! she did it again, 3 de Britney debuta en el num. 1 en usa y canada

The Singles Collection

Britney Spears se convierte en la primer cantante en más de tres años que consigue debutar #1 en el Hot 100 de Billboard que se actualizara el día de mañana, “3” se posiciona en la cima de la tabla. La canción con un ritmo picante que hace referencia a los “tríos” se desprende de su próximo material de grandes éxitos “The Singles Collection“, que saldrá a la venta el próximo 24 de Noviembre. Britney Spears logro vender cerca de 255,000 descargas digitales en su primera semana de lanzamiento por lo que también aparecerá en la máxima posición del Hot Digital Songs. La última canción que debutó en #1 que no corresponde a un concursante del programa “American Idol” es Lauryn Hill con “Doo Wop ((That Thing)” en Noviembre de 1998.

“3″ tambien rompe otros records, entre ellos, ser la cancion con el nombre mas corto en debutar en el Billboard Hot 100, el primer debut en el #1 en la era digital, y el debut mas alto de un single de un Grandes Exitos (Greatest Hits).

Pero no solo en USA. Nuestra reina del pop tambien se ubico el dia de hoy en el #1 del Canadian Hot 100, saltando desde el puesto #86 al #1, estableciendo asi el record a mejor salto en la historia del chart canadiense.

Oops!! she did it again!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

X Factor's Cheryl Cole says she's 'never watched Strictly', Robbie Williams was just 'nervous' and Alexandra Burke 'didn't mime'

X Factor judge Cheryl Cole has confessed she’s never watched rival show Strictly – even though she could watch it on Sky Plus after her live Saturday night stint on ITV.

The Girls Aloud star was talking live to Chris Moyles on his Radio 1 breakfast show this morning when he asked her if she ever watched the other side.

“No, because I’m on!” Cheryl claimed at first. But when Chris pointed out modern technology meant you didn’t ever have to miss any telly shows, Cheryl admitted: “I’ve never seen it, no. I know what it’s about though!”

However, Cheryl took Chris to task when he criticised the singing of one of her wannabe charges on the show, fellow Geordie Joe.

Chris said he hadn’t been convinced by his vocals when he covered Robbie Williams’ No Regrets, but Cheryl countered: “You’ve got to be joking! I didn’t want him to be like a rip-off of Robbie and instead to show what he can do with his voice.”

On Robbie’s live and rather wide-eyed live comeback on X Factor at the weekend meanwhile, Cheryl dismissed speculation that Rob was on anything and said it was just nerves.

She insisted: “This is his first thing he’s done in ages, can you imagine, your first thing coming back is X Factor. I thought he looked a bit nervous, I genuinely felt like he was thinking ‘wow, I’m back, this is it’. It must be scary, he’s been through a lot, and I honestly felt like he was nervous.”

As for her former charge Alexandra Burke’s performance on the same show however,  she defended her against accusations she was miming.

Cheryl said: “I didn’t think she was miming… It wasn’t a Britney case, definaetly not, Britney mimed to her record…I was just so caught up in the whole production and performance…… I was like having a whirl of a time that I wasn’t even thinking about is she miming or is she not, I was just thoroughly enjoying her entertainment.

She also said she was “absolutely terrified” of doing her own live performance this weekend. 

Cheryl confessed: “I’m going to have a camomile tea….the nerves started weeks ago. Oh god, it’s here, it’s really here, it’s starting on Saturday.”

“Do you know what, I love performing, but it’s like exactly what you just said, I’ve sat for weeks judging people, months, a year now, and then I’m putting myself out there to be judged. It’s a weird feeling…And I’m on my own, like I haven’t even got my cotton wool anymore.”

As well as talking about their joint effort to conquer Kilimanjaro earlier this year for Comic Relief, Cheryl also chatted about her debut solo album 3 Words, and debut solo single Fight For This Love.

She said her England footballer husband Ashley had heard all of her album and loved it.

Meanwhile, it appears that though relations are warm enough on screen, it seems there’s still no real friendship between Cheryl and fellow X Factor judge Dannii Minogue.

Talking to this week’s Star magazine, Dannii said: “I don’t have her phone number. I don’t speak to her outside of work but she’s really genuine and a nice person. She’s the person who you see on TV. I’ve got Louis’ number and Simon’s number but I also don’t see them outside of work.”


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Get Your Yellow Submarine Away From Me!

So the other day I was on the T rocking out to some Lady Gaga (naturally), and I began to think about how some people just get so snobby about music preferences. Like, who cares? I don’t get why people make such a big deal about what kind of music someone enjoys. Sure, I enjoy jamming to “Gimme More” by Britney Spears, but I can also get my Radiohead on with the best of them. I don’t confine myself to one genre (love that word) and why should anyone? Why can’t I like prepackaged pop music, country, and indie rock at the same time? It really bothers me when I get verbally attacked just because of the musical selection on my iTunes. I listen to the music that makes me happy, so just chill out.

I also hate when someone stares at me with an open mouth anytime I say “I dislike The Beatles.” OMG! Seriously? I’m sorry, but I don’t get them or their music. I want to ROCK OUT, and I cannot rock out in a damn yellow submarine. I’m sorry. I just can’t. However, I’m not going to sit here and say how stupid someone is for liking The Beatles. So don’t tell me I’m disrespecting music by not LOVING The Beatles. I don’t like them, move on with your life.

Listen, I like to have a good time, and if that good time involves me feeling myself up to the Pussycat Dolls, then so be it. I don’t want to hear about it. If your good time involves feeling yourself up to Nickelback (ok, hang on a second – I can’t have anyone liking Nickelback, they’re THAT bad – no one seriously likes Nickelback, right?). Anyway, you get the picture – music snobbery is basically the most pathetic thing ever. Let people jam to the tunes they love – and leave me and Danity Kane ALONE!

In other music news, I just downloaded the new Backstreet Boys album. It’s quite amazing how these “boys” (who are all almost 40 years old now – gross) still make music. Even my 11 year old self knew the realities of boy bands in the music industry. So I’m still surprised to see them around 11 years later. In fact, I saw them live last year at Mohegan Sun and after several drinks found them to still be quite entertaining and screamed my ass off during “Backstreet’s Back.”  Although, I have changed my stance on marrying Nick Carter, since he’s dated Paris Hilton and Willa Ford (LOL); been arrested several times, lost 100 pounds (I like something to grab on to!  But not too much…), and had that reality show that proved how insane his family really is. Nooooo thank you! Take that herpes elsewhere, please. Plus, he still sounds like a 12 year old boy, which is extremely disturbing. I’ll get back to you on how the new stuff is…..once Brian recovers from Swine Flu.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

de 69 a 09 com o nanana.

Em 1969, três compositores se uniram num grupo chamado Steam, cantarolaram um “na na na” no piano e a brincadeira virou um LP com o single Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye, que pegou o topo da Billboard naquele ano. Vendeu 6,5 milhões de cópias no começo dos anos setenta, década que a disco music cresceu, apareceu e também sumiu, deixando os 80’s pro new wave, representado por bandas como Blondie, Talking Heads, B55’s e…

Bananarama, que em 83 conseguiu um top5 no Reino Unido com o nanana. Bananarama era uma girlband inglesa que fez bastante sucesso nos anos 80, época em que era moda regravar clássicos dos anos 60/70 pra nova geração, coisa que as três fizeram com Help, dos Beatles, assim como a…

Angélica, que regravou If I Fell aqui no Brasil. A fada Bela também contribuiu com a sua versão de Na Na Hey Hey Tchau Tchau num LP de 88. A Angélica já comandou o Fama, programa de calouros aos moldes do Operação Triunfo e do American Idol, que tinha sua versão pra adolescentes, de onde saiu a…

…. Kristinia Debarge, cantora americana de 19 anos que nesse ano lançou o seu primeiro disco, Exposed. O disco tem como primeiro single a música Goodbye, que traz o nanana como sample e em parte da letra. Kristinia ficou conhecida abrindo shows da última turnê da Britney Spears. No show, Britney canta músicas do seu último disco, Circus, que tem como compositora da música Quincksand a…

Lady GaGa, que recentemente fez uma participação em Chillin, música do rapper Wale e que tem o nanana sampleado também. Wale ficou conhecido depois de gravar músicas e jogar no MySpace, sendo convidado pra um show de estréia no Highline Ballroom junto com o Mark Ronson, Kanye West e…

Jay-Z, o rapper que lançou nesse ano de 09 o single D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune), com um sample bem discreto de… adivinha? O nanana criado sem pretensão pelos três caras do Steam em 69.

Cover Versions

Com todo respeito com a @andreahiranaka e seu querido Music Pills, mas eu também ouço música. Ok, meu gosto é conhecidamente duvidoso, a ponto te me olharem esquisito por saber letras de coisas como Baila Comigo, Ragatanga ou Prometida. Mas ainda assim vai um post sobre covers. Sei lá eu o motivo, sai em busca deles e com a ajuda do @FilipeAugusto, selecionei umas coisinhas pra dançar na cadeira enquanto trabalha.

Cake – I Will Survive

Leighton Meester – Betty Davis Eyes

Travis – Hit Me Baby One More Time

Franz Ferdinand – Womanizer

Glee – Somebody to Love

Valeu tb @nilsonjr pelas sugestões e pelo Chico Anyyyyysio que não sai da minha cabeça =P

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Britney Spears has soft off rumors

Britney Spears has soft off rumors she’s production false penalization recording auditions to brace up her couple period; succeeding allegations she propositioned a staminate display during a recent sportfishing.The Nephrotoxic hit-maker has been on and off the dating environs since her 2007 part from Kevin Federline, and reports evoke her rumored story with her medicine, Jason Trawick, has late cooled.According to the New Dynasty Regular Broadcast, the histrion set up a imitation cast in Los Angeles to acquire a new beau – but her hand-picked adorer, 24-year-old modelling Bekim Trenova, reversed her thrown. A maker says, “When he got there, there was no camera gathering.

There was conscionable Britney. She was hunt sexed. She prefabricated it pretty overtake that she was less fascinated in hiring him than in dating him. Bekim open the entire surroundings real uncanny. He was nice but not fascinated. He prefab whatsoever justify to get out of there.”Trenova has declined to scuttlebutt. But a representative for Spears claims the tarradiddle is “completely dishonorable,” demand “She (Spears) doesn’t cognize this guy.”

Just A Thought But...

Photo Credit: (2 Left) /, X17 (Right)

…God bless Britney Spears and her unique country-bumpkin couture, but isn’t time for her infamous pink booties to retire to the depths of her closet for good?

Yes, they may be comfortable but the poor things have taken enough of a beating on your countless Starbucks runs Ms. B!

Please, from the bottom of my broken heart, put them in the garbage and get lookin’ for a new pair… ASAP!

Here I’ve already got you started.