Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Statement of purpose

This blog will be frequently updated.

This blog will have jokes.

This blog will speak the truth.

And more.

But most importantly, this blog will discuss all the things that are wrong in our world today.

This is not edited by some government. This is not influenced by some corporation. This is radical free speech. This is what the internet was supposed to be about. Most of us just somehow forgot it along the way, when we got lost in a maze of porn, movies, mp3’s etc.

Not that there is anything wrong with porn or mp3’s.

Just that the internet was made to be something so much greater. Something that unites the world. Something that creates understanding across borders.

For fucks sake. this blog is against borders. of any kind. anywhere. And against countries. And against people who are afraid of their “nationalistic pride”. FUCK THAT. Nationalism was the second most stupid idea ever made up by humans. It should never have occured. It was a big mistake.

But humans are good, they are smart. I know you are. If you’ve kept reading this far, there is still hope.

There is always hope. Humans learn. That is just what we do. Thats why we seem to be the dominant species on this planet.

“Seem to be?” you might ask. Well, im not so fucking arrogant to go around claiming im always right and know everything. thats why this blog is here ffs.

I want you to comment. I want you to tell me im if I am wrong or right. Will I care? Probably not. That is not the point. JUST KEEP TALKING. This is the point. That was the point of the internet. Thats what jesus and gandhi was talking about. I sure hope im not going to fast.

Now this is not the point, to go around screaming fuck you at everything you believe in to be right. People should think for themselves, do not let your mommy or daddy decide. Ever. Atleast not if you are over 18.

Maybe in some cases, if daddy pays the bills you can make an exception, but make sure its the exception, not the rule. Because when and if you think for yourself, the world will be a better place. Not just for you, but for me as well.

Things can change. Never ever believe that things will always be the same. Never ever cease to believe that YOU cannot make a difference. Because you can. Because you will. You matter.

Ah, matter. This is something that I will talk alot about in later posts. If you are into physics, you will love my ideas.

I am no proffessor, do not get me wrong. Im just a writer. But im not stupid either, so you better not take them lightly. But I’ll be back with more mass for this atom later on.

Now ? where was my rambling at? Oh yes.

Nationalism. The born dead, stupid idea, that never should have happened. Some people get confused over this. They get offended when I say I hate nationalism and patriotism. Not that I hate, im not a hater, I don’t have the energy and time for hate. But I use the word “hate” because I can’t find a better expression. And because it creates dialogue. Or arguments, depends on which side you are, the one starting it or the one getting upset by it.

Well my point is this, Nationalism is a very young idea. It is not old. Countries is a new idea. What good has it caused? I say nothing, sure it has created sharper contrasts between cultures and artificial barriers between people. Artificial barriers in nature, and these are not all even artificial “ie. just lines on a map” they are STRUCTURES, fences, ditches, minestrips, barbed wire, radar systems, sonar systems, satellite tracking.

Ok. So we can agree I hope, nationalism has armed our planet to the teeth.

Well, you might say that the arming started before, well yes it did. That brings me to the Dumbest idea that humans have ever made. Religion.

But one moron at a time, I’ll get to that. When im done tearing this “nationalistic” idea apart.

So ok, maybe we now have many cool languages, sure, we did before too, but now they all got cool names, own textbooks, systems of education for teaching these languages. This is fine, there is nothing wrong with having a diverse culture. I love culture. I love _the_ culture. We should be able to express ourselves, yay, here I go, look at me mommy! Im expressing myself on the internet, freespeech yay. I am not using my native tongue though, you might have noticed that anyway.

Not that I care. If you’ve read this far, you probably understand what im saying anyway. I am quadlingual, if there is such a word.

Again, my fingers kept on talking when my brain was looking at something else. So nationalism, there is the bad: the weapons, the wars, the BORDERS.

and there is the good, distinct cultures. diverse planet. Lots of different good food, music, art and so on.

And then there is the really bad stuff: What it has done to our minds, to our way of thinking.

Think of a caveman, say, 15,000 years ago. A bit before you settled down and started farming, everyone just “chilled” (probably not the right word to describe living conditions 15,000 years ago, but what the heck, make a comment and tell me im wrong) in the forest, ate some nuts, maybe killed a deer or two, sang around the campfire and went on to sleep in a cave if it got cold in the night. Sure people beat each other back then, even killed each other, I don’t know if that is true, do you ? I suppose it is. That is just a nasty habit we still haven’t been able to quit. But we will, I am sure.

But did they really rally around and go the neighbouring cave and tell them that “heeey.. there are those people beyond the mountain somewhere over that that dissed the mammuth you killed last week.. come join us and we’ll go together and kill them, they can’t even talk in the same way”

15,000 years back, the neighboring caveman probably laughed his ass off and told them to go fuck themselves and if they wanted to kill anyone they had to do it themselves and not involve others in it.

Ok.. Maybe you are starting to get what im getting at ?

If we have nations and armies like we do today. We have someone that leads them. This is true. you cannot deny this. If this leader tells his army, you must now attack these other people because ****. the army will attack.

How many of these people in this army, would have themselves, back in caveman times have said “ok sure, lets go kill those other people beyond the mountain, just because you, our great and wise leader, say so ?” .

And no please, do not get started with the argument “because the other side has armies too ” THIS IS JUST WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! The problem is in our minds.

The us and them. The eternal fear that “the others” are the bad guys, just take a good hard look at yourself. Do not judge others. Be a little more selfish, DO NOT CARE about what the other is doing. Mind your own business.

Think for yourself.

Do not join an army. Do not follow stupid orders. Do not kill. Has anyone read the bible? great fucking book, real good stories. Sleepy sleepy stuff. and some real exciting stuff too. There is 2 parts i particularly like. The 10 commandments and the golden rule. I am not about to quote them. google them if you must.

So the big problem today is that alot of “innocent” people get mixed up in solving disputes of only a few people. This is the thing that nationalism has brought. The other thing is that alot of people can get upset when I their “nationalistic pride” is hurt. So when I say, FUCK america, BURN russia, DIE, slovenia, HACK-the-HEAD-off france.. The occupants of these countries somehow feel they themselves hurt because of this, why is this ?

Nationalism is about control. The same way religion is about control. You have probably heard the statement “opium for the masses” (google that too if you care) No, im no advocat of free opium for everyone, even if that would be cool. I never said that. So, do you, R_e_A_L_L_Y , want to be controlled? To be the mindless slave-drone of a faceless entity that only exists as lines on a map, as an idea in peoples minds? That is just like peter pan…

I really hope the answer to that last question was a No, but… well.. here is my answer to that but, because I know what you were thinking. You were thinking but in My country there is DEMOCRACY, uuuhhh, how fancy of you. That is just about the stupid form of governance a state can have. Sure, most people agree its not perfect, “just the best and only one we got now” or . And plz, before your inner dialogue takes and nails me up on the cross as communist, calm down. Take a breath, have a cigarette if you must.

To cut a long story short, and leave a little more for later, I’ll get more into communism, democracy, anarchism and other forms of state in another entry later on. Hah, and if you don’t think anarchy is form of governance, hah  you just hang in there :)

The last subject I’ll get into in this entry is religion. Yes, you’ve heard me say that the bible is cool. You know there is a good joke about the bible, about what it really means. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. I love that joke.

But about religion, today’s world religions, have got it all messed up. They have taken the point out of the whole idea of religion. Faith. I despise religion and in the sense where it deprives you of knowledge, undermines your intelligence, questions your own ability to think and just straight forward tries to control your life. Yes, if you understand me correctly, I am talking about religion. Not about a specific persons faith, or his own relationship with his/her god/s or goddeses. That is just fine, I am a believer myself.

When somebody takes a passage from the bible or the koran and takes a stab at interpreting it, what this person is really saying is “I think What god really ment to say is…” Now who the fuck do you think you are? It is fine for you to think for yourself and get your whacked ideas into your own head. nobody cares. Nobody should. It is your faith. You can do whatever you want inside your head. You can think about britney spears having lesbian sex with rihanna or the pope molesting small boys. I do not care. The problem is, when you are in a position of authority within a certain religion, a percentage of the people who happen to believe in that religion ( or should I say, born and raised to believe ) will take your message seriously. This is where you fucked up. You tried to explain god to another person. Now let me ask you this, did jesus ever try to explain god? Did Muhammad ? Nooo-o.. I dont think so. They were believers, prophets some might say, thats cool ok. Most of the stuff they passed on was pretty decent. But did they ever pass judgment on others? Did they say, heey, lets go fight a righteous war and convert people into OUR ONE AND ONLY TRUE RELIGION by the sword ? No, I dont think so. Look it up if you must.

The problem with religion is the interpretations, and yes, the bible and koran are just that, interpretations. They are not holy texts written by the hand of god. they are not. They are written by humans. Just like you and me. Sure the stories sound good, might even have a lesson of a sorts, but so does a good Arthur C. Clarke Novell too. Where is the difference? Words written by humans. some on paper, some on clay. others on papyrus and others in digital form on the internet. My point in all this rambling if it has not been made already, is think for yourself, do not tell others how to think. or believe. Or behave. Mind your own fucking business.

Now, this is my first entry and to be honest. This just scratched the surface. I’ll do a proper piece on each of these themes later on. So still to come, 1 fascinating piece on physics. 1 on religions. 1 on different forms of state. After this i’ll get more into legal/illegal stuff like downloading mp3’s and copyrights, the war on drugs, my view about the future of science and humanity. Another topic I would like to write about is Climate Change, or Global Warming.

If  you cared enough to read through all of this rambling, I applaud you. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think and if you have some ideas what I should be talking about next. Next update scheduled for january 10 2010.

Take good care people, live long and prosper and may the force be with you. signing out from beyond the other side.

[Via http://beyondtheotherside.wordpress.com]

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